Mantis 1.2.0a3 Released.


実験的とはいえMySQL 6のサポートか.すごいな(笑

Release Name: 1.2.0a3

MantisBT version 1.2.0a3 is an unstable development update to the ongoing 1.2.x development release. All users running development releases are encouraged to update.

This release offers many ongoing improvements to MantisBT, including features and fixes such as:

- Expanded and improved plugin system, with more API hooks and events
- Search plugin hooks for Firefox and Internet Explorer
- Improvements to roadmap and changelog pages
- Experimental support for MySQL 6

- Session and caching fixes found in the 1.1.x releases
- Fixed upgrading from 1.0.x and 1.1.x installations
- Localization improvements

Note that this is still a development release, and is not recommended for use in critical deployments. However, users are encouraged to test this release and report any bugs they may find.